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Ep. 24 – Become a Better You in 2023 with Terry Yoffe

SHOW NOTES Terry Yoffe poses the question: 2023 How Can You Create a Better Version of You? Over the next few months, Terry will be talking about how you can shift your mindset and become that better version of yourself as she has conversations with experts that will...

The Power of Courage can help you up your game and become a better leader.

TRY Coaching Blog

Terry R. Yoffe, Executive Coach –TRY Coaching – The Power of Courage

What was one courageous thing you did last year?  What made it courageous?   What belief systems did you have to let go of to shift your thinking so you could step into that place that allowed change to occur

Dr. Raymond Lindquist, Pastor and Author said: Courage is the power to let go of the familiar”. Today, we are facing challenging and changing times and again, our belief systems and familiar ways of doing things are being put to the test every day.

We are being asked to let go of old ways of doing business and come up with more creative ways to do the same job or, we need to shift gears and take our skill sets and talents and look at new platforms to express ourselves.

As an Executive and Business Coach located in NYC, my clients come to coaching hoping to: up their game, let go of old belief systems that keep them stuck, better communicate with teams, peers and upper management and learn to advocate for themselves.  All requiring they shift their perspectives and make new choices that start to ensure their successes

Clients that are willing to take the first step to embark on coaching – that takes courage; being willing to be challenged and to allow that mirror to be held up so they can’t step away from their challenges – that takes courage and then taking the necessary steps to make those changes – that take courage.

To re-iterate Dr. Lindquist:  “Courage is the power to let go of the familiar”.  And that is what is expected of clients who want to create real change for themselves.

Yes, it takes courage to let go of what we keep doing even if it isn’t working, however the rewards and opportunities can be endless.

How courageous are you being in your willingness to step out of your comfort zone and step into new terrain?  Perhaps reaching out to a coach can help you make the changes needed in your life?